
Monday, September 20, 2004

One Mr. Bandow at NRO suggests letting 1,000 Burmese orphans into the country. Now,1000 orphans is not a big deal, but where do you draw the line? The world --the 'third world'--is very good a producing orphans. Should we take them all in? If not, by what criteria do we discriminate?

It might be objected that there are willing homes for these children. But of course the communities these children settle in will be impacted. Something called 'externalities'. I might be more disposed to letting more orphan immigrants -- at that is what they are, immigrants -- in if there weren't 8-12 million illegal aliens in the US right now, in no small part because of the intellectual smoke screen that Bandow's Cato Institute provides for cheap labor loving big business.

With the current immigration situation running so out of control, every effort to import more people should be opposed.

My advice to Bandow: You want to do some good work? Go help the kids right where they are.

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