
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cartoonish Immigration Ideas 

One of the mysteries of modern life is how some many people in the first world can be so oblivious about immigration. Mass migration from 'the south' to the relatively wealthy north is causing knock on effects, so much so that the longstanding populations of heavily immigration impacted countries and regions are themselves moving towards greener pastures. The strange thing is that this is all happening despite the vanishingly small benefit of mass migration to the inhabitants of receiving societies.

So given the mystery, it is not surprising that an English octegenarian cartoonist should join the fray on the side of migrants. After fifty years of assimilating into British life, Paddington Bear is now to represent the refugee. He is, in fact, arrested by a police constable after admitting he is from Peru. This episode is supposed to represent Britain 'Here and Now', but anyone who has lived in Blighty recently knows how unlikely it is that a PC would question anyone's immigration status, let alone arrest a foreigner merely for being a foreigner in Britain.

Good for people to know.
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